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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Final Taper Day 2

Today was a good workout...still only a couple pounds away from weight. I see no problem making it. Today's workout:

Kettlebell Jerk 2x24kg 5min @ 8rpm
Kettlebell Snatch 24kg 6min @ 15rpm


Alex said...

Looking solid on both lifts Jason. Will you train all the way up to Friday?

Franck said...

Solid !!!!
-73kg BW awesome.

Boris T said...

How did the meet go?

Jason Sanchez, said...

Thanks Alex.
Boris, the meet went wel.. It was Terri's first time running a kb comp so things were good. I put up a new post on how I did.
Franck, 73kg was a good weight to get to. felt really strong.