Started of the week knowing what I want to accomplish. Even though it can be a long term goal, short goals have been made. I recently asked a question on Facebook to see how others training in Kettlebell Sport train. Basically which protocol do they use to reach there goals whether its making rank or competing at their highest potential. I received one response. I don't mind that no one really responded back beside Boris! but it's not like I'm looking for hidden secrets. I just want to know what works for different people. I saw that Howie B. will no longer be training with intervals. That's cool it didn't work so what did? In my training I will be integrating both interval and long timed sets. No secrets here. I will post my training as much as I can. It may be a day late or just later that day. Today was the first day and I elected to start with intervals. It was a light training day being that I took off from 3/9/10 and started today 3/15/10.
3/15/10 Interval Training
Warm-up: Joint mobility, Indian Clubs, Light stretching
2 KB Jerk- 2 x 20kgs- 5 x 1 min/ 1 min rest 12rpm; 60 total
2 KB Jerk- 2 x 24kg- 5 x 1 min/1 min rest, 10rpm; 50 total
KB Snatch- 20kg- 5 x (R)1 min/ (L)1 min/ 1 min rest, 16 rpm; 80/80 reps
20 min run- 2.27 mile, new fast mile 8:28 mins
I finished up with some stretching. I will begin to use different exercises and increase the intensity and refine my technique. I video tape myself to review my set and I also post some of my videos on You tube. check out some of the previous timed sets. I will try some strongman sets to see what happens and maybe some other protocols but the main goal is still set. I have until June to reach rank one numbers (IKFF & AKC) for 75kg weight class.
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