So the WKC Championships is 30 days away and I'm getting closer to my goal. Here is a recent training snatch set with the 26kg. Technique is getting better and strength is increasing. I'm feeling good here just have to get jerk better.
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Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sunday, September 9, 2012
It's been a while
As of right now I am training for the WKC and things are going smoothly. I'm back on track to hit my desired numbers so I am continuing to work hard to get to that goal. I hit a small snag this week going for a PR in snatch with the 24kg. A rip is not needed right now but I can focus on some weak spot in jerk and also build my cardio up. I hit a PR in snatch with the 28kg only being a few reps away from CMS numbers. I will update a little more later. I haven't taped or posted my workouts recently because I need to focus on my training. I will eventually put it back up but my focus is performing well at the championships being that this will be my first time competing in Chicago with the 28kgs bells. As for some performances to look for while the is teammate Scott Tighe in longcycle. Here is his recent training with coach Duffey.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Finished the week strong....ready to continue
Last week I finished training off pretty strong. I hit a new PR in snatches but I still need some more work to make them be crisp. My KB jerk workout was good but I still need to get the rack position better to get where I want to be. More flexibility and relaxation needed to better both number. Technique gets better everything gets better.....just hard work and time to get there.
Thursday 7/5/12
KB Jerk Interval training
2 min work/ 2 min rest
2x20kg, 2x22kg, 2x24kg- 12rpm
2x26kg- 10rpm
2x28kg- 8rpm
2x30kg 6rpm
Friday 7/6/12
KB Snatch training
28kg 8mins 15rpm (I was able to get 7mins 15rpm- New PR 53/53)
Deadlift- 135lbs, 185lbs, 225lbs- 3x10 reps
Back extensions- 2x25 reps
Saturday- I started to train with the Training Mask 2.0 and did it kick my ass. I will be running the Spartan race this coming weekend so I wanted to test myself with the distance. I jumped rope for 10 mins then did a 4 mile variable run on the treadmill. Not ready to run outside with the mask. I was gassed after the first 7 mins of running with the mask on. I finished the run in 40 mins.I did 4.2 miles. I will add more hill runs this week for the Spartan Race and maybe some other exercises that I'm not doing in my regular training.
Thursday 7/5/12
KB Jerk Interval training
2 min work/ 2 min rest
2x20kg, 2x22kg, 2x24kg- 12rpm
2x26kg- 10rpm
2x28kg- 8rpm
2x30kg 6rpm
Friday 7/6/12
KB Snatch training
28kg 8mins 15rpm (I was able to get 7mins 15rpm- New PR 53/53)
Deadlift- 135lbs, 185lbs, 225lbs- 3x10 reps
Back extensions- 2x25 reps
Saturday- I started to train with the Training Mask 2.0 and did it kick my ass. I will be running the Spartan race this coming weekend so I wanted to test myself with the distance. I jumped rope for 10 mins then did a 4 mile variable run on the treadmill. Not ready to run outside with the mask. I was gassed after the first 7 mins of running with the mask on. I finished the run in 40 mins.I did 4.2 miles. I will add more hill runs this week for the Spartan Race and maybe some other exercises that I'm not doing in my regular training.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
It's been a while, Time to update
Progress has been up and very down lately. Its the part of training that really sucks. I've been in a rut for a few weeks and now I'm starting to work my way out. I haven't blogged in a while because I felt like its not worth it. Nothing great is happening so no need to tell people about it. My food intake hasn't been the greatest, work hours have been all over the place so all the normal stuff that is not suppose to get in the way of training is. Here is my regression and progress back up and forward.
Training week 6/18
Training week 6/18
2 min jerk sets/ 2 min rest in between
20kg, 22kg, 24kg 12rpm,
26kg 10rpm,
28kg 9rpm,
30kg 6rpm;
Box Alt Step up- 3x15/15
reps 2x25lbs
3x10 pull up
3 mile run
26kg snatch 8 minutes 15 rpms
(6mins 45/45) grip fatigue work on better drops
32kg Swings 50/50 2 sets - these were tough
Back extension- 35 reps
2x22kg Jerk 2 min 12 rpms
2 min rest
2x28kg Jerk 6 minutes 8 rpm(
3x2min 8rpm) I had no energy for this set. It was hot and humid where I was training
32kg OAJ 20/20
28kg snatch 6 minutes 15 rpm (45/45)
10 minute rest
20kg snatch 6 minutes 16
Deadlift 3x10 reps
165lbs, 205lbs, 235lbs
Neutral grip pull-up 3x10
Training Week 6/25
2 min jerk sets/ 2 min rest between
20kg- 13rpm,
22kg-12rpm, 24kg-12rpm,
Box step ups 2x30lbs
3x15/15 reps
20min run-2.25miles
Ab roll out- 3x15 reps
26kg snatch 8 minutes 15 rpm
(59/55) left grip failed.
32kg Swings 50/50 x2 sets
Back extension- 35
3x10 pull-ups
2x20kg Jerk 2 min 12 rpms
2 min rest
2x28kg Jerks 7 minutes 8 rpm(
3min 8rpm 1min rest, 1min 8rpm) pissed off set sucked
32kg OAJ 3min/3min 10rpm
Squats/ Jumpsquats 2 sets
5/50 reps 135lbs, 155lbs
28kg snatch 7 minutes 15
rpm (50/50 reps new PR)
10 minute rest
20kg snatch 6 minutes 16
rpm (I did 7 minutes forearms felt a little tingle)
This week so far has been good. Kind of starting all over again.
Training Week 7/2
2x28kg Jerk 10 minutes 6 rpm (5mins 32reps) not to bad first set pass 5 mins
3 min rest
2x20kg Jerk 3 minutes 12 rpm
Run 3k 20mins, step mill 20mins
24kg Snatch 10 minutes 15
rpm (9min 67/66) Pr for time with 24kg. Similar results to the IUKL meet. Minor distractions training though.
40kg 30/30 swings 2 sets
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Training week 6/10/12
This past week was pretty good. It started off slow and then I picked it up on the second half. I don't know what happened but Monday I got tired very quickly. I figured out even though my cardio is good the conditioning in my legs isn't. I've been doing a good amount of sets that push me to my limit and the training has felt it. I am adapting to the training volume and pushing the limit further and further. Here is the training for the past week.
Monday- KB Jerk training
2x20kg 2min 12rpm
2x24kg 7min 10rpm ( did 4:30min leg were toast, continue did 1:30min shoulders got toasted)
1 min rest
2x20kg 2min 12rpm
32kg OAJ 20/20 with pause at the top
2 mile run with Elevation Training mask.
Tuesday- KB Snatch training
Morning Run 3.43 miles 30 mins
28kg 6:30min; 3:30 on R/ 3:00 on L 48/42 reps (I was told to break my record in 8 mins)
32kg Swings 40/40 x2
Rowing 2500m w/ training mask
Thursday- KB Jerk training
2x28kg 5min 8rpm (new Pr for time)
2x22kg 4min 10rpm (only got 2 min but at 12rpm, 1min rest, 1 min 12rpm)
Squat/ Jump Squat- 155lbs 5/40 reps, 185lbs 5/40lbs
Friday - KB Snatch training
16kg 10 minutes per arm 16rpm
R- 7mins/1min rest/ L-7mins (never felt my forearms and biceps feel like that before. Small blood blister on left hand) have to perfect my technique on my left to match my right.
Deadlift- 3x10 reps 155lbs, 185lbs, 205lbs
Hyper extensions- 2x25 reps
Bike 20 mins
Saturday- I recently picked up a couple Bulgarian bags to help give my clients some different ways of helping them get to there fitness goal. So I decided to put myself through a work out and it was fun. Burned 537 calories and felt good. The Bulgarian bag weighs 27lbs.
Warm-up 1 mile run 9:30min
Power Snatch 10 reps, Lateral throw- 6 reps, Squats 10 reps- 3x
Spin test- 10 spins r, 10 spins l, 10 pushups- 5x
Lateral lunge and twist 10/10 reps 3x
Good morning 10 reps 3x
That was it, def enjoyed today being off. Ready to go after next week. It keeps getting tougher but no one said this journey would be easy.
Monday- KB Jerk training
2x20kg 2min 12rpm
2x24kg 7min 10rpm ( did 4:30min leg were toast, continue did 1:30min shoulders got toasted)
1 min rest
2x20kg 2min 12rpm
32kg OAJ 20/20 with pause at the top
2 mile run with Elevation Training mask.
Tuesday- KB Snatch training
Morning Run 3.43 miles 30 mins
28kg 6:30min; 3:30 on R/ 3:00 on L 48/42 reps (I was told to break my record in 8 mins)
32kg Swings 40/40 x2
Rowing 2500m w/ training mask
Thursday- KB Jerk training
2x28kg 5min 8rpm (new Pr for time)
2x22kg 4min 10rpm (only got 2 min but at 12rpm, 1min rest, 1 min 12rpm)
Squat/ Jump Squat- 155lbs 5/40 reps, 185lbs 5/40lbs
Friday - KB Snatch training
16kg 10 minutes per arm 16rpm
R- 7mins/1min rest/ L-7mins (never felt my forearms and biceps feel like that before. Small blood blister on left hand) have to perfect my technique on my left to match my right.
Deadlift- 3x10 reps 155lbs, 185lbs, 205lbs
Hyper extensions- 2x25 reps
Bike 20 mins
Saturday- I recently picked up a couple Bulgarian bags to help give my clients some different ways of helping them get to there fitness goal. So I decided to put myself through a work out and it was fun. Burned 537 calories and felt good. The Bulgarian bag weighs 27lbs.
Warm-up 1 mile run 9:30min
Power Snatch 10 reps, Lateral throw- 6 reps, Squats 10 reps- 3x
Spin test- 10 spins r, 10 spins l, 10 pushups- 5x
Lateral lunge and twist 10/10 reps 3x
Good morning 10 reps 3x
That was it, def enjoyed today being off. Ready to go after next week. It keeps getting tougher but no one said this journey would be easy.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Continuing forward....
This past week of training went very well. I'm working my way up to getting further with the 28s en route to CMS. I have plenty of time and a great coach to lead me there. The sessions for this past week looked like this....its amazing what I'm getting out of the workouts even those they are small.
2x20kg KB Jerk 2min 12rpm
2x24kg KB Jerk 6min 10rpm- New speed
32kg OAJ 20/20
2 mile run 18:30
Hanging Leg raises- 3x12
24kg KB Snatch 8mins 16rpm- 64/57 reps. My right hand grip was tired that last minute.
32kg Swing 3x35/35 reps
Wednesday 4 mile run 33mins
2x26kg KB Jerk test- 7mins 8rpm set a PR of 56reps First time ever testing with this weight and rep speed.
Squat/Squat Jumps- 135lbs 5/40, 155lbs 5/40, 185lbs 5/40
Friday- day off way too much work. To many clients not enough breaks
26kg KB Snatch interval 2x30sec work/ 30sec rest
R1- R:10,11; L:10,11
R2- R:11,11; L:11,11
R3- R:11,11; L:11,11
R4- R:11,11; L:11,11
R5- R:11,12; L:11,12
Back Extension- 3x25reps
I am not where I want to be just yet but I am working on getting better each day I train. Get to CMS and then MS...that's what I want and I will get there!!! Hard work and Dedication
2x20kg KB Jerk 2min 12rpm
2x24kg KB Jerk 6min 10rpm- New speed
32kg OAJ 20/20
2 mile run 18:30
Hanging Leg raises- 3x12
24kg KB Snatch 8mins 16rpm- 64/57 reps. My right hand grip was tired that last minute.
32kg Swing 3x35/35 reps
Wednesday 4 mile run 33mins
2x26kg KB Jerk test- 7mins 8rpm set a PR of 56reps First time ever testing with this weight and rep speed.
Squat/Squat Jumps- 135lbs 5/40, 155lbs 5/40, 185lbs 5/40
Friday- day off way too much work. To many clients not enough breaks
26kg KB Snatch interval 2x30sec work/ 30sec rest
R1- R:10,11; L:10,11
R2- R:11,11; L:11,11
R3- R:11,11; L:11,11
R4- R:11,11; L:11,11
R5- R:11,12; L:11,12
Back Extension- 3x25reps
I am not where I want to be just yet but I am working on getting better each day I train. Get to CMS and then MS...that's what I want and I will get there!!! Hard work and Dedication
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Glad the holiday weekend is over....Back to training!!
So after Memorial day weekend I came back to was a short week of work. But that break sure wiped me out. Too much sun, too much food. This all slowed my progression down on this week of training. I will re-focus myself and get back to where I was before the break. So I only trained 3 days this past week. Not great but I did something.
Tested Jerk....worst set ever. I struggled to make it 6 mins. I hated every minute of it.
Wednesday- re-tested Jerk and tested Snatch. Felt a little better but not my best. I did the same as i did in Jerk the day before and Did alright in Snatch. Here are my 2 sets.
KB Jerk set
KB snatch set
Interval Jerk set
2x20kg 2mins 12rpm
2x22kg 2mins 12rpm
2x24kg 2mins 12rpm
2x26kg 2mins 10rpm
2x28kg 2mins 8rpm
2x30kg 2mins 8rpm
2min rest between sets
Squat/Jump-Squat: 135lbs 5/30 reps, 185lbs 5/30 reps, 215lbs 5/30 reps
Spoke to Coach Duffey and a plan is set for this week. Can't wait to execute!!
KB snatch set
Interval Jerk set
2x20kg 2mins 12rpm
2x22kg 2mins 12rpm
2x24kg 2mins 12rpm
2x26kg 2mins 10rpm
2x28kg 2mins 8rpm
2x30kg 2mins 8rpm
2min rest between sets
Squat/Jump-Squat: 135lbs 5/30 reps, 185lbs 5/30 reps, 215lbs 5/30 reps
Spoke to Coach Duffey and a plan is set for this week. Can't wait to execute!!
Monday, May 28, 2012
Up to date training
Happy Memorial Day!!! Hope everyone had a great day. Training over the last couple weeks has been good and bad. I recently hit a few new numbers with the 28s but one things I found out is that boy are they freaking heavy!! I'm sure I have said it before. But everyday I train with them I seem to get more comfortable and then Coach Duffey throws a set my way and bam!! not comfortable anymore. Some days you can see where I am having a great day and others where the numbers or the set just didn't work for me. Im hitting new PRs left and right and I know I will have to work harder to get to the numbers I need to make rank. One thing I did work on when I was having a problem with Jerk was the triple extension. When the weight goes up the Triple extension needs to be more explosive to get the weight up. I found that out the second half training during the week of 5/21. More training to come more numbers to get!!! The worlds is only a four months away. I will introduce a morning run this week to see how I feel then do an afternoon kettlebell training set. Here are the past weeks of training.
5/14/12 week of training
2x28kg jerks 8 min 6 rpm (New PR 48reps)
32kg OAJ 4 minutes 12 rpms
Run 2 miles
28kg snatch 8 minutes 12 rpms 48/49 (New PR)
32kg swings 2 sets 30/30
2x20kg KB jerk 2 min 12 rpm
2x22kg KB jerk 2 min 12 rpm
2x24kg KB jerk 2 min 12 rpm
2x26kg KB jerk 2 min 10 rpm
2x28kg KB jerk 2 min 9 rpm
2x30kg KB jerk 2 min 8 rpm (7rpm i had 1 no count)
2 minutes rest between sets
20kg Kettlebell Snatch- (R)6 minutes 15rpm 90 reps
15 minute rest (L) 5:30 minutes 15rpm 83 reps
Left was getting beat up. I had to fix the landing of the bell.
5/21/12 week of training
2x28kg Jerks 10 minutes 6 rpm (6 minutes 6rpm, 2x2min/1min rest 8rpm)
Run 15mins
28kg snatch 10 minutes 12rpms (7min 12rpm R-48/L-40)
2500 meter row 10:57
5x :45sprints
2x20kg KB jerk 1 min 12 rpm
2x22kg KB jerk 1 min 12 rpm
2x24kg KB jerk 2 min 12 rpm
2x26kg KB jerk 2 min 10 rpm
2x28kg KB jerk 2 min 10 rpm
2x30kg KB jerk 2 min 8 rpm
135lbs Squat/Jump squats 5/30
185lbs Squat/Jump squat 5 30
205lbs Squat/ Jump squats 3/30
24kg snatch 8 minutes 15rpm 63/63 reps (New PR for time)
32kg swings 30/30 x 3 sets
3x25 Hyper extensions
5/14/12 week of training
2x28kg jerks 8 min 6 rpm (New PR 48reps)
32kg OAJ 4 minutes 12 rpms
Run 2 miles
28kg snatch 8 minutes 12 rpms 48/49 (New PR)
32kg swings 2 sets 30/30
2x20kg KB jerk 2 min 12 rpm
2x22kg KB jerk 2 min 12 rpm
2x24kg KB jerk 2 min 12 rpm
2x26kg KB jerk 2 min 10 rpm
2x28kg KB jerk 2 min 9 rpm
2x30kg KB jerk 2 min 8 rpm (7rpm i had 1 no count)
2 minutes rest between sets
20kg Kettlebell Snatch- (R)6 minutes 15rpm 90 reps
15 minute rest (L) 5:30 minutes 15rpm 83 reps
Left was getting beat up. I had to fix the landing of the bell.
5/21/12 week of training
2x28kg Jerks 10 minutes 6 rpm (6 minutes 6rpm, 2x2min/1min rest 8rpm)
Run 15mins
28kg snatch 10 minutes 12rpms (7min 12rpm R-48/L-40)
2500 meter row 10:57
5x :45sprints
2x20kg KB jerk 1 min 12 rpm
2x22kg KB jerk 1 min 12 rpm
2x24kg KB jerk 2 min 12 rpm
2x26kg KB jerk 2 min 10 rpm
2x28kg KB jerk 2 min 10 rpm
2x30kg KB jerk 2 min 8 rpm
135lbs Squat/Jump squats 5/30
185lbs Squat/Jump squat 5 30
205lbs Squat/ Jump squats 3/30
24kg snatch 8 minutes 15rpm 63/63 reps (New PR for time)
32kg swings 30/30 x 3 sets
3x25 Hyper extensions
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Making some head way
This week I continued working with the 28s. Again they are my main focus leading up to the WKC world in October. First objective is to get a full 10 minute set in with this weight. It's no small feat, 28kg is heavy and not something to just mess with. So I was pleased with this week of training.
Monday 5/7/12
KB Jerk 2x28kg 7min 6rpm
KB Jerk 2x20kg 3min 12rpm
Jump rope 15min
Tuesday 5/8/12 KB Snatch 20kg 30/30 reps
KB Snatch 28kg 7min 12rpm (was suppose to do 8min)
KB Swing 32kg 25/25-2x
Rowing 15mins 3419m
Wednesday 5/9/12 Off- much needed that work with the 28s was tough.
Thursday 5/10/12
Interval KB Jerk Training
2x22kg 2min 12rpm
2x24kg 2min 12rpm
2x26kg 2min 10rpm
2x28kg 2min 9rpm
2x30kg 2min 6rpm (I did 8rpm oops!)
2min rest between sets Legs were dead no squats this week
Friday 5/11/12 skipped the day too busy
Saturday 5/12/12
KB Snatch 26kg 8min 14rpm R-13/15/14/14, L-13/14/14/13
KB swing 28kg 30/30-3x
Back Extension 3x25 (these were tougher than I thought)
Ready for next week!!! Keep it moving!
Monday 5/7/12
KB Jerk 2x28kg 7min 6rpm
KB Jerk 2x20kg 3min 12rpm
Jump rope 15min
Tuesday 5/8/12 KB Snatch 20kg 30/30 reps
KB Snatch 28kg 7min 12rpm (was suppose to do 8min)
KB Swing 32kg 25/25-2x
Rowing 15mins 3419m
Wednesday 5/9/12 Off- much needed that work with the 28s was tough.
Thursday 5/10/12
Interval KB Jerk Training
2x22kg 2min 12rpm
2x24kg 2min 12rpm
2x26kg 2min 10rpm
2x28kg 2min 9rpm
2x30kg 2min 6rpm (I did 8rpm oops!)
2min rest between sets Legs were dead no squats this week
Friday 5/11/12 skipped the day too busy
Saturday 5/12/12
KB Snatch 26kg 8min 14rpm R-13/15/14/14, L-13/14/14/13
KB swing 28kg 30/30-3x
Back Extension 3x25 (these were tougher than I thought)
Ready for next week!!! Keep it moving!
Monday, May 7, 2012
Make way for the 28s
I started back up training with my focus now on working with the 28s and going for CMS. I plan on competing at the WKC championship in October in the 70kg weight class. So Coach Duffey started me on that road. After a week off this was last week's training. This week it gets better. Video will be up soon for this week's training.
Week of 4/30/12
2x28kg jerk test 6 rpms
6mins 36reps
2x22kg jerks 3 minutes 12 rpms
Jump rope 15mins
20Kg warm up 30/30
28kg snatch 6 minutes 12rpm
32kg Swings 25/25-30-30
Row 5000m 22:39
2x20 jerk 2 mins 12 rpms
2x22 jerk 2 min 12 rpms
2x24 jerk 2 minutes 12 rpms
2x26 jerk 2 mins 9/10 rpms
2x28 jerk 2 min 8 rpms
2 min rest btwn sets
Squat 95lbs-10, 135lbs-10, 155lbs-10
24kg snatch R 30 sec max rep/ 30 sec rest, L 30 sec max rep/ 30 sec rest, R 30 sec max rep/ 30 sec rest, L 30 sec max rep. Each hand goes 2 times for a total of 4 x 30 second sets... that is one round
rest 5 minutes between rounds... do 5 rounds 2/2 x 30 sec work/30 sec rest
Row 3000m 12:55
Week of 4/30/12
2x28kg jerk test 6 rpms
6mins 36reps
2x22kg jerks 3 minutes 12 rpms
Jump rope 15mins
20Kg warm up 30/30
28kg snatch 6 minutes 12rpm
32kg Swings 25/25-30-30
Row 5000m 22:39
2x20 jerk 2 mins 12 rpms
2x22 jerk 2 min 12 rpms
2x24 jerk 2 minutes 12 rpms
2x26 jerk 2 mins 9/10 rpms
2x28 jerk 2 min 8 rpms
2 min rest btwn sets
Squat 95lbs-10, 135lbs-10, 155lbs-10
24kg snatch R 30 sec max rep/ 30 sec rest, L 30 sec max rep/ 30 sec rest, R 30 sec max rep/ 30 sec rest, L 30 sec max rep. Each hand goes 2 times for a total of 4 x 30 second sets... that is one round
rest 5 minutes between rounds... do 5 rounds 2/2 x 30 sec work/30 sec rest
Row 3000m 12:55
Friday, April 27, 2012
IUKL USA Open Kettlebell Competition
The week leading up to the IUKL Open was a good taper for the competition. Although I though I had peaked already at the IKSFA Meet hitting a personal best in Kettlebell Jerk and Kettlebell Snatch I still had some momentum for the IUKL meet. So Coach Duffy put me through a good taper to get me ready. I had a few more days off than I was use to but it was good because of work.
Main Work Sets
4/16 Monday
2x24kg Kettlebell Jerk 10min 8rpm (8min 64reps)
22kg Kettlebell Snatch 6min 16rpm
4/17 Tuesday
2x22kg Kettlebell Jerk 5 min 10rpm
24kg Kettlebell Snatch 10min 15rpm (8:45 68/65 new pr)
4/19 Thursday
2x24kg Kettlebell Jerk 6min 8rpm
24kg Kettlebell Snatch 6min 15rpm (This workout felt ok not great.)
Competition day Sunday April 22nd. I weighed in 72kg on the dot for the 73kg weight class. IUKL has a different ranking system than ISKFA,IKFF and WKC. You can't get CMS with the 24s so my goal number of 148pt was out of the window. They go up to Rank 1 with the 24s and I didn't make Rank 1 my goal but I made sure I would pass those numbers again. I wanted to get a better score than I got at the IKSFA meet, I hit 2 PRs 75 Jerks and 125 Snatches. I saw a few familiar faces but wish there were more competitors there. Since the sport is still growing and getting larger more athletes no matter what affiliation they have to an organization they need to make it to these small competitions.
It was a surprise to see the Ice Chamber ladies there all the way from California, Mike Sanders from NJ, Joe Eagan and his family from NH and the Lockout crew from Massachusetts all made it out. Fedor Fuglyev was there with Valentyn Berbenychuk from the Ukraine and they had taught a 2-day seminar that my coach and Scott got a chance to go to. They mentioned that Fedor was insane and his training was different than everyone elses. But he does what he does. Anyways back to the competition. There were only 11 total flights with Long cycle being the last flight. It was organized so that there was a long enough break for those doing biathlon to get enough rest for snatch. Women were only allowed to do snatch as per IUKL rules. There were some great performances by the women with 2 ladies doing snatch with the 24kg bell. Wil Metcalf had a great performance lifting the 32s hitting pr in Jerk and good numbers in snatch before he ripped his hand. Scott hit 45 reps even though he wasn't feeling up to par. Not bad for only being 3 away from his best. The kettlebell handles were thicker than what I was use to but its competition and you have to be ready for anything. Here are my 2 sets. I hit good numbers in jerk and a new PR in snatch. I had the privilege of having Maya from Ice Chamber count my sets. Im glad she liked them :)
IUKL Kettlebell Jerk Set 2x24kg
IUKL Kettlebell Snatch set 24kg Overall it was a great competition even though it was small. I'm glad I was able to hit a New PR in snatch and stayed somewhat consistent in jerk. From here I can hopefully move on up and focus on reaching new heights within the sport. Next competition is the big one unless some pop up over the summer. WKC World Championships in Chicago. I missed the last 2 but I plan on going to this one! Long road of training ahead but I'm gonna enjoy the ride! Whatever competition you are getting ready for train hard and train smart! Whatever it is you do in Kettlebell sport help build it in the USA!
Main Work Sets
4/16 Monday
2x24kg Kettlebell Jerk 10min 8rpm (8min 64reps)
22kg Kettlebell Snatch 6min 16rpm
4/17 Tuesday
2x22kg Kettlebell Jerk 5 min 10rpm
24kg Kettlebell Snatch 10min 15rpm (8:45 68/65 new pr)
4/19 Thursday
2x24kg Kettlebell Jerk 6min 8rpm
24kg Kettlebell Snatch 6min 15rpm (This workout felt ok not great.)
Competition day Sunday April 22nd. I weighed in 72kg on the dot for the 73kg weight class. IUKL has a different ranking system than ISKFA,IKFF and WKC. You can't get CMS with the 24s so my goal number of 148pt was out of the window. They go up to Rank 1 with the 24s and I didn't make Rank 1 my goal but I made sure I would pass those numbers again. I wanted to get a better score than I got at the IKSFA meet, I hit 2 PRs 75 Jerks and 125 Snatches. I saw a few familiar faces but wish there were more competitors there. Since the sport is still growing and getting larger more athletes no matter what affiliation they have to an organization they need to make it to these small competitions.
It was a surprise to see the Ice Chamber ladies there all the way from California, Mike Sanders from NJ, Joe Eagan and his family from NH and the Lockout crew from Massachusetts all made it out. Fedor Fuglyev was there with Valentyn Berbenychuk from the Ukraine and they had taught a 2-day seminar that my coach and Scott got a chance to go to. They mentioned that Fedor was insane and his training was different than everyone elses. But he does what he does. Anyways back to the competition. There were only 11 total flights with Long cycle being the last flight. It was organized so that there was a long enough break for those doing biathlon to get enough rest for snatch. Women were only allowed to do snatch as per IUKL rules. There were some great performances by the women with 2 ladies doing snatch with the 24kg bell. Wil Metcalf had a great performance lifting the 32s hitting pr in Jerk and good numbers in snatch before he ripped his hand. Scott hit 45 reps even though he wasn't feeling up to par. Not bad for only being 3 away from his best. The kettlebell handles were thicker than what I was use to but its competition and you have to be ready for anything. Here are my 2 sets. I hit good numbers in jerk and a new PR in snatch. I had the privilege of having Maya from Ice Chamber count my sets. Im glad she liked them :)
IUKL Kettlebell Jerk Set 2x24kg
IUKL Kettlebell Snatch set 24kg Overall it was a great competition even though it was small. I'm glad I was able to hit a New PR in snatch and stayed somewhat consistent in jerk. From here I can hopefully move on up and focus on reaching new heights within the sport. Next competition is the big one unless some pop up over the summer. WKC World Championships in Chicago. I missed the last 2 but I plan on going to this one! Long road of training ahead but I'm gonna enjoy the ride! Whatever competition you are getting ready for train hard and train smart! Whatever it is you do in Kettlebell sport help build it in the USA!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Road to the IUKL Meet
So it has been a while since I last updated my blog. I have been training hard for the next meet I will be competing in. My training leading up to this was a bit different than what I thought I was going to do. I was put on a path to keep my momentum going. I hit new PRs and my conditioning was good so might as well keep pushing. My goal is to get CMS this year at the WKC World championships so by next year I can start working with the 32s and on my way to MS. This is probably one of the toughest roads I have ever traveled. After the IKSFA meet I was beat!!!! I had no idea I was gonna get hit that hard. But I did put all my effort into that meet. So I started off slow.
OAJ 16kg 3 min/3 min 21rpm
Snatch 16kg 3 min/3 min 22rpm
OALC 16kg 3 min/3 min 12rpm
2 min rest btwn sets
Rowing 2k 8:49
4/5/12 Kettlebell Jerk Training
2x22kg 2 min 10rpm
2x24kg 2 min 10rpm
2x26kg 2 min 9rpm
2x28kg 2 min 8rpm
2x22kg 2 min 10rpm (supposed to be 3 min)
2 min rest btwn sets
Did some glove snatch 16kg 2min/2min 24rpm
4/7/12 Kettlebell Snatch Training
Warm-up 16kg 30/30 reps
20kg 4 min/4 min 18rpm
24kg 25/25 reps
26kg 25/25 reps
28kg 25/25 reps
Pull-ups 15 reps
10 min test set Jerk
2x24kg 8rpm (only did 6 min, then 2 mins to try and finish the set felt very tired that day)
Snatch 24kg 8 min 15rpm (only did 6 min at 14-15rpm. Short rest btwn sets)
Overall felt tired and shot for these sets.
4/10/12 Kettlebell Biathlon Training
2x20kg 2 min 12rpm
2 min rest
2x22kg 5 min 10rpm
Snatch 22kg 6 min 18rpm
4/12/12 Kettlebell Jerk training
2x20kg 2 min 12rpm
2x22kg 2 min 10rpm
2x26kg 2 min 8rpm
2x28kg 2 min 8rpm
After this workout I felt very good!!
4/13/12 Kettlebell Snatch Training
24kg 8 min 15rpm (7 min 60/45 reps) I felt pretty good during this set. Hands are doing good.
Swing 32kg 30/30 3x
So far so good. I'll post this week's training leading up to the competition.
OAJ 16kg 3 min/3 min 21rpm
Snatch 16kg 3 min/3 min 22rpm
OALC 16kg 3 min/3 min 12rpm
2 min rest btwn sets
Rowing 2k 8:49
4/5/12 Kettlebell Jerk Training
2x22kg 2 min 10rpm
2x24kg 2 min 10rpm
2x26kg 2 min 9rpm
2x28kg 2 min 8rpm
2x22kg 2 min 10rpm (supposed to be 3 min)
2 min rest btwn sets
Did some glove snatch 16kg 2min/2min 24rpm
4/7/12 Kettlebell Snatch Training
Warm-up 16kg 30/30 reps
20kg 4 min/4 min 18rpm
24kg 25/25 reps
26kg 25/25 reps
28kg 25/25 reps
Pull-ups 15 reps
10 min test set Jerk
2x24kg 8rpm (only did 6 min, then 2 mins to try and finish the set felt very tired that day)
Snatch 24kg 8 min 15rpm (only did 6 min at 14-15rpm. Short rest btwn sets)
Overall felt tired and shot for these sets.
4/10/12 Kettlebell Biathlon Training
2x20kg 2 min 12rpm
2 min rest
2x22kg 5 min 10rpm
Snatch 22kg 6 min 18rpm
4/12/12 Kettlebell Jerk training
2x20kg 2 min 12rpm
2x22kg 2 min 10rpm
2x26kg 2 min 8rpm
2x28kg 2 min 8rpm
After this workout I felt very good!!
4/13/12 Kettlebell Snatch Training
24kg 8 min 15rpm (7 min 60/45 reps) I felt pretty good during this set. Hands are doing good.
Swing 32kg 30/30 3x
So far so good. I'll post this week's training leading up to the competition.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
IKSFA competition and taper week leading up to event
This past weekend I competed in the Crossfit L.I.C. IKSFA kettlebell sport competition and the first meet I got back on the platform. Leading up to the competition I finally got a 10 minute jerk set and hit a new PR and bested my snatch number. I'm getting closer to finishing a full 10 minutes and hitting an even higher PR. Back to the competition, I felt good going into it because the last few training sessions I was able to take two days off. My weight was good, I went in weighing 72kg while working my way down to 70kg. I competed in the biathlon with 24kg. Not many competitors in biathlon event which I found a little weird. The sport has changed over the last few years. A few people did just jerk or just snatch but not both. Anyways I competed as part of Team Lockout Kettlebells, Coached by C-Duff and team members Scott Tighe MS, Wil Metcalf CMS, and Melissa Metcalf .
Scott hit a new PR in Long Cycle with the 32s ( 48 reps) just one short of tying Marty Farrell but still making CMS and Will hit new PRs in both Jerk and Snatch using the 32s.
My week leading into the competition I only had two workout days. Monday's workout:
2x24kg Jerk 7 minutes 7 rpm
24kg Snatch 8 minutes 14 rpm
Wednesday's workout:
2x24kg Jerk 6 minute 7 rpm
24kg Snatch 6 minutes 15 rpm
Then I took off Thursday and Friday preparing mentally for the competition. I was ready.
Jerk set was up first as is my set
New PR 75 reps!!!!
Here is my Snatch set
New PR in competition 60R/65L.
I was 11 away from what I wanted to do. I hit my Jerk goal but missed my snatch goal by 15 reps. I wanted to make CMS but but hit a really good Rank 1.
The venue was great much better than last year. It was great to see old friends of the kettlebell world and great performances. It was a great weekend and there were some great photos taken taken by the host. Congrats to all who competed!!! Can't wait to do it all again. Next competition IUKL April 22nd in Connecticut!!!
I also owe a HUGE thanks to Coach Duffey for helping me reach new highs in the sport!! Im glad I came back to a great Coach!!

My week leading into the competition I only had two workout days. Monday's workout:
2x24kg Jerk 7 minutes 7 rpm
24kg Snatch 8 minutes 14 rpm
Wednesday's workout:
2x24kg Jerk 6 minute 7 rpm
24kg Snatch 6 minutes 15 rpm
Then I took off Thursday and Friday preparing mentally for the competition. I was ready.
Jerk set was up first as is my set
New PR 75 reps!!!!
Here is my Snatch set
New PR in competition 60R/65L.
I was 11 away from what I wanted to do. I hit my Jerk goal but missed my snatch goal by 15 reps. I wanted to make CMS but but hit a really good Rank 1.
The venue was great much better than last year. It was great to see old friends of the kettlebell world and great performances. It was a great weekend and there were some great photos taken taken by the host. Congrats to all who competed!!! Can't wait to do it all again. Next competition IUKL April 22nd in Connecticut!!!
I also owe a HUGE thanks to Coach Duffey for helping me reach new highs in the sport!! Im glad I came back to a great Coach!!
Saturday, March 24, 2012
A Period of PRs!!
So since I've been back to training I have kicked it up since my first competition is only a week away. Friday I was able to get my jerk sets in
March 16th Friday
Kettlebell Jerk
2x24kg 3mins 8rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 8rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 8rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 8rpm
March 17th Saturday
Kettlebell Snatch
24kg 10mins 14 rpm (New PR 66/59 8:30min)
32 swings 25/25 x 3
Monday March 19th
2x24kg Kettlebell Jerk 10mins 7rpm (new PR 70 reps)
20kg Kettlebell Snatch 6mins 20rpm (def felt this set)
Tuesday March 20th
2x20kg Kettlebell Jerk 5mins 12rpm (This was a bit of a tough set too)
24kg Kettlebell Snatch 6mins 15rpm (Felt good but had a small blood blister)
Thursday March 22nd
Kettlebell Jerk
2x24kg 3mins 9rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 9rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 9rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 9rpm
24kg Kettlebell Snatch 10mins (only 6mins) 14rpm ( Only did 6 minutes, my right shoulder and tricep wasn't feeling the best and i have injured it before. I didn't want to do it again right before competition and while I am having such good progress.)
32kg swings 25/25 x 3
March 16th Friday
Kettlebell Jerk
2x24kg 3mins 8rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 8rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 8rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 8rpm
March 17th Saturday
Kettlebell Snatch
24kg 10mins 14 rpm (New PR 66/59 8:30min)
32 swings 25/25 x 3
Monday March 19th
2x24kg Kettlebell Jerk 10mins 7rpm (new PR 70 reps)
20kg Kettlebell Snatch 6mins 20rpm (def felt this set)
Tuesday March 20th
2x20kg Kettlebell Jerk 5mins 12rpm (This was a bit of a tough set too)
24kg Kettlebell Snatch 6mins 15rpm (Felt good but had a small blood blister)
Thursday March 22nd
Kettlebell Jerk
2x24kg 3mins 9rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 9rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 9rpm
2mins rest
2x24kg 3mins 9rpm
24kg Kettlebell Snatch 10mins (only 6mins) 14rpm ( Only did 6 minutes, my right shoulder and tricep wasn't feeling the best and i have injured it before. I didn't want to do it again right before competition and while I am having such good progress.)
32kg swings 25/25 x 3
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Past workouts till now
Here is the training from last week and this week with what I have done. I am getting closer and closer to my goal. I still need to work on my right shoulder and flexibility. My right shoulder is my weakness in both lifts. It fatigues faster than my left so I have been working prehab exercises and joint mobility.
Week of 3/12/12
2x24 Jerks 10 minutes 7 rpm (Completed 8:30 60reps) this is my current speed
20Kg snatch 6 minutes 18rpms
(Haven't been able to do due to work) Not good!!!
2x20 jerks 6 min 11 rpm
24kg snatch 8 min 14 rpm
Will try to get back into it asap!!!!
Week of 3/05/12
2x24 10 minute test 8 rpm (completed 7:10 56reps)
20kg snatch 6 min 16 rpm
2x20 jerks 7 min 10 rpm
24 snatch 6 minutes 15 rpm
2x24 jerk 5 min 8 rpm
24kg snatch 10 minute test 14/15 rpm (Completed 8min 58/59 reps)
2x20 jerks 3 minutes 10 rpm
2 min rest
2x24 jerks 3 minutes 10 rpm
2 min rest
2x26 jerks 3 minutes 8 rpm
32kgs swings 20/20-25/25-30/30
I have some bells at home so I will continue my training here. Limited though.
Week of 3/12/12
2x24 Jerks 10 minutes 7 rpm (Completed 8:30 60reps) this is my current speed
20Kg snatch 6 minutes 18rpms
(Haven't been able to do due to work) Not good!!!
2x20 jerks 6 min 11 rpm
24kg snatch 8 min 14 rpm
Will try to get back into it asap!!!!
Week of 3/05/12
2x24 10 minute test 8 rpm (completed 7:10 56reps)
20kg snatch 6 min 16 rpm
2x20 jerks 7 min 10 rpm
24 snatch 6 minutes 15 rpm
2x24 jerk 5 min 8 rpm
24kg snatch 10 minute test 14/15 rpm (Completed 8min 58/59 reps)
2x20 jerks 3 minutes 10 rpm
2 min rest
2x24 jerks 3 minutes 10 rpm
2 min rest
2x26 jerks 3 minutes 8 rpm
32kgs swings 20/20-25/25-30/30
I have some bells at home so I will continue my training here. Limited though.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Training from a few weeks ago and past week
So far training has been improving and getting harder. Which means I am improving and getting closer to my goals. Here are my workouts from the past few weeks including this one. This past week was tough though. It was end of the month closing and my manager was gone so I took the reigns for the week and made sure everything got done.Which left me nice and tired by Wednesday. But here is what I have been doing.
Week of 2/13/12
2x16kg jerk 2min 12rpm
2min rest
2x20kg jerk 2min 10rpm
2min rest
2x24kg jerk 2min 10rpm
2min rest
2x26kg jerk 2min 9rpm
2min rest
2x28kg jerk 2min 8rpm
Box Jumps 3x10, Single leg squat 1x5/5
24kg snatch 8 minutes 15 rpm
26kg swings 40/40
2x24kg jerks 5min 9rpm
3min rest
2x20kg jerks 3min 10rpm
Squats 3x10, 135, 185-2x
20kg snatch 8 minutes 18 rpms
28kg swings 30/30-40/40
Pull-ups 2x15
Back Extension- 2x25
That was a really good week of training. I felt great!
Week of 2/20/12
2x16kg jerk 2min 15rpm
2min rest
2x20kg jerk 2min 10rpm
2min rest
2x20kg jerk 6min 10rpm
2min rest
2x24kg jerk 2min 10rpm
20kg snatch 30/30 reps
24kg snatch 7mins 14rpm (was suppose to go 8 mins)
Pull-ups 3x10 reps
2x20 jerk 2 minutes 11 rpms
2 min rest
2x24 jerk 6 minutes 9 rpms
Squats- 3x10, 135, 185-2x
Box Jump- 3x10
Alt Box Jump- 3x10/10
20kg snatch 30/30 reps
24kg snatch 6 minutes 16 rpms
32kg swings 15/15-20/20-25/25
Back Extensions 2x25
Week of 2/27/12
2x16kg jerk 2min 12rpm
2min rest
2x20kg jerk 2min 10rpm
2min rest
2x24kg jerk 2min 10rpm
2min rest
2x26kg jerk 2min 9rpm
2min rest
2x28kg jerk 2min 8rpm
2min rest
2x20kg jerk 2min 10rpm
1.5 mile cool down run, 15 min bike ride
20kg snatch 30/30 reps
24kg snatch 8mins 15rpm Hit a new PR in Snatch!!
1 set of chin ups
32kg swings 30/30
Skipped Thursday because I was too tired so i put Thursday's and Friday's workout together.
2x20kg jerk 2min 12rpm
2min rest
2x24kg jerk 7mins 9rpm (didn't get to 7mins. I stopped at 3min took a min rest and started up again for the rest of the set)
20kg snatch 30/30
26kg snatch 6mins 12rpm (I made sure I got this set in even though it was tough!)
So far so good!!
Week of 2/13/12
2x16kg jerk 2min 12rpm
2min rest
2x20kg jerk 2min 10rpm
2min rest
2x24kg jerk 2min 10rpm
2min rest
2x26kg jerk 2min 9rpm
2min rest
2x28kg jerk 2min 8rpm
Box Jumps 3x10, Single leg squat 1x5/5
24kg snatch 8 minutes 15 rpm
26kg swings 40/40
2x24kg jerks 5min 9rpm
3min rest
2x20kg jerks 3min 10rpm
Squats 3x10, 135, 185-2x
20kg snatch 8 minutes 18 rpms
28kg swings 30/30-40/40
Pull-ups 2x15
Back Extension- 2x25
That was a really good week of training. I felt great!
Week of 2/20/12
2x16kg jerk 2min 15rpm
2min rest
2x20kg jerk 2min 10rpm
2min rest
2x20kg jerk 6min 10rpm
2min rest
2x24kg jerk 2min 10rpm
20kg snatch 30/30 reps
24kg snatch 7mins 14rpm (was suppose to go 8 mins)
Pull-ups 3x10 reps
2x20 jerk 2 minutes 11 rpms
2 min rest
2x24 jerk 6 minutes 9 rpms
Squats- 3x10, 135, 185-2x
Box Jump- 3x10
Alt Box Jump- 3x10/10
20kg snatch 30/30 reps
24kg snatch 6 minutes 16 rpms
32kg swings 15/15-20/20-25/25
Back Extensions 2x25
Week of 2/27/12
2x16kg jerk 2min 12rpm
2min rest
2x20kg jerk 2min 10rpm
2min rest
2x24kg jerk 2min 10rpm
2min rest
2x26kg jerk 2min 9rpm
2min rest
2x28kg jerk 2min 8rpm
2min rest
2x20kg jerk 2min 10rpm
1.5 mile cool down run, 15 min bike ride
20kg snatch 30/30 reps
24kg snatch 8mins 15rpm Hit a new PR in Snatch!!
1 set of chin ups
32kg swings 30/30
Skipped Thursday because I was too tired so i put Thursday's and Friday's workout together.
2x20kg jerk 2min 12rpm
2min rest
2x24kg jerk 7mins 9rpm (didn't get to 7mins. I stopped at 3min took a min rest and started up again for the rest of the set)
20kg snatch 30/30
26kg snatch 6mins 12rpm (I made sure I got this set in even though it was tough!)
So far so good!!
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