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Sunday, September 9, 2012

It's been a while

As of right now I am training for the WKC and things are going smoothly. I'm back on track to hit my desired numbers so I am continuing to work hard to get to that goal. I hit a small snag this week going for a PR in snatch with the 24kg. A rip is not needed right now but I can focus on some weak spot in jerk and also build my cardio up. I hit a PR in snatch with the 28kg only being a few reps away from CMS numbers. I will update a little more later. I haven't taped or posted my workouts recently because I need to focus on my training. I will eventually put it back up but my focus is performing well at the championships being that this will be my first time competing in Chicago with the 28kgs bells. As for some performances to look for while the is teammate Scott Tighe in longcycle. Here is his recent training with coach Duffey.

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