Jerk 2 x 20kg 5 mins @ 8 rpm
OAJ 32kg 10/10
Snatch 20kg 6 mins 14 rpm
Swing 24kg 50/50
Jerk Set
Snatch set:
Notes: Jerk Set: Felt good. Worked on explosiveness and got under the bells quick. Forearms were starting to get tired but I was adjusting the grip position. I would alternate from handle resting against the heel of the palm and forearm in rack to lifting the bell with the heel of the palm into.
OAJ : Again good feeling good lock out. Little pressure on the right wrist nothing major. I just think it from my forearms being tired.
Snatch set: I felt my right shoulder was getting tired so I had to find the alignment again. Right forearm was tired so it affected my elbow just feeling the weight a little more than usual. Nothing related to injury. Left side felt much better. I feel my technique is better on my left than my right especially when I get tired. Worked on the breathing and expanding the lungs when I stand up.
Swing were good. Got a numb feeling on the right from holding on. Left hand was sensitive (callous area) and I had to put the bell down at around rep 42. but I picked it up and finished the 50.
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