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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

New PR in Kettlebell Jerk w/ 2x24kg

Yesterday I hit a new PR in the Kettlebell Jerk with 2 x 24kg. I was able to get to 7:30min hitting 45reps. My previous best was 43 reps in 5 mins. I am getting closer and closer to a full 10 min set. That will be a very good day. Only sad part yesterday was my Kettlebell Snatch set. Still hit 6 mins but didn't get any further. My technique did get better tho at least on my left side. I have a nice tough work this week so I will have to recover to get in all the work Chris wants me to do. Here are my two test sets.

Kettlebell Jerk Test set

Kettlebell Snatch Test set


Alex said...

I feel ya man the snatches are murder. Looks like your grip hung in there on both arms though. Rank I cannot be far away =)

Franck said...

very good sets !!!