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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Shoulder injury

Reently during training I created some bicipital tendonitis on my right shoulder. It came from the increased volume of doing kettlebell jerk and not properly stretching and cooling down. The other parts of recovery (sleeping, suana, contrast showers) I haven't kept up on. As far as recovering now and getting back to where I left off is up to me to rest the shoulder and do some active recovery. Indian club, Joint mobility drills, and Stretch band stretchs and some Shoulder prehab drills with light weight will be on the menu. Also some self massage will help speed the recovery up. Usually it takes about a week to get it back to where it was but thet week off is going to hurt my progress. I'll be smart when I start up. A good warmup and cool down will be required everyday of training.
I will start light possibly with the 16s and/or 20s. I will also only push myself on test days and not on training days. Its not that I won't do the work required on those days but I will be focused on perfecting the technique. Test days are the most important because they set the week up. Training days are also important and it is key to focus on specifics during the week to improve the testing results.


Howie B said...

Sorry to hear, Jason. Heal up fast and strong!

Jason Sanchez, said...

Thanks Howie. I will and I am healing up well. a few more days and I will be back at it.