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Monday, August 11, 2008

Training...Cruise..and Nutrition

So today I was thinking about what to write about today. I usually write about and log my training session so that you and I can see how I am training and how I set up the training session to reach my goals. But today I wanted to add some of my notes about my nutrition. I do eat alot and I like to eat whatever it is that I want. I really don't have any restrictions but what I do have it awareness and timing with my food. I know its not the best but just like my tattoos I believe in Yin and Yang. Life itself needs to have balance with good and bad and I believe that the body must also. Too much good = not good and too much bad = not good. So for me I will have a delicious salad and chicken or a healthy protein shake but when I want a cookie or a bacon egg and cheese sandwich I will have it. It not about me being young as some may say, its about balance. If i eat some that has a lot of calories then I make sure I get in a good workout and I have a good meal later in the day.
Speaking of this I will on my biggest vacation ever a 7 day cruise in the Caribbeans with my gf and this is where I hear a bunch of problems occur with nutrition. Imagine eating and drinking all you want. If you thought the freshman 15 was bad, I think the cruise adds on 20 or more. Not to say cruises are bad but the food is good. So this is where a new book I have been reading comes into play. I am reading Ori Hofmelker's "The Warrior's Diet". A book worth getting!! It talks about cycles and learning when to use them and when not to. It also discusses how to use it and what foods to put in your diet. Although I'm not big on diets this is one I would like to try. After I get done reading it I will update you on it.
Now back to my training log.

Dynamic mobility and joint mobility.
Kb warm up @ 20kg- swing- 10 reps, Clean-5 reps, High Pull and Snatch- 5reps

Military Press Ladder and Pull-up Ladder@ 32kg pull ups @ bw
4 rungs, 1 to 4 reps

Snatch+OH Squat+ Sots Press@ 20kg
3R, 3L x 2

3 x 5 min rds
Jump-rope- 5 mins
Speedbag- 5 mins

Then I was done!!!!
Till tomorrow....Check that book out too!! I will add his link to my list!!

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