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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

R.K.C. tries A.K.C....What a weekend!

So I am sure I am not the one who has tried the AKC method but I just want to try it out and see what it was for the experience. I went down to Long Island to visit Master Trainer Mike Stefano. He has been with AKC since the beginning. He and Valery Ferderenko are a few of the only Master Trainers that are part of the AKC. Coach Scott Sonnon was part of the WKC but no longer is due to a fallout. But back to the weekend. I attended the one day workshop to prepare for the AKC coach workshop that is a weekend long. While I was with Mike, he discussed the differences between the American Kettlebell Club and Pavel's Hardstyle System.

In the simplest way to explain the difference between the two systems or protocols; the AKC method is developed for sport and endurance. They focus a lot of detail and effeincy of the basic moves which are the Jerk, Snatch and Long Cycle. They do talk about progression using the Push press and the Swing and Clean. Much detail is given to the Clean (Rack) position because in the Jerk and Long Cycle that is where most of the rest is taken place. Work is done with one kettlebell and then after all of the levels (20) are reached then you progress to a heavier weight. With the bells, they are all the same size to help create efficiency so the position doesn't have to change when progressing to the heavier weights. After learning the exercises, Mike then put us through a workout testing our technique. We did the level 9 workout with the Jerk for 2min per hand then Snatch for 2 min per hand and Long Cycle 2 mins per hand. We were able to rest for 2 mins between each exercise. It was a killer day. I did learn a lot and appreciate the toughness of Kettlebell Sport. It requires a lot of smart training and patience.

The RKC dealt with strength and conditioning by using power lifting protocols while mixing in rehab and flexibility training. It used the kettlebell as a tool to reach a goal instead of its sport. The weekend I spent in Minnesota was a great and tough experience. I taught me how to train others using a protocol to help people get a better form. Mixing this training with other equipment make the kettlebell a great tool. Let alone the kettlebell can be used on its own.

The difference I have experienced from both systems is that with the AKC I can lift a weight for numerous amounts of reps with out getting exhausted till hitting the 3rd and 4th minute while being at 25 to 30 reps per arm with a moderate weight 16kg or 24kg. With the RKC protocol I am lifting heavier weight but for only a few reps but being strict with the movement (32kg or 40kg for 3 to 5 reps).
Personally I like and respect both systems because it all depends on your goal. They are both a yin and yang to kettlebells for me. I will be attending the AKC cert in June in NYC.


Howie B said...

Nice going Jason. I'll be looking forward to meeting you at the cert in June. I'll be attending as well.

Boris T said...

Good post, hope the cert went well for you.