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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Training review and update 7/27/14

So far this week has been pretty good as far as training is going. The beginning of the week is always tough but I was able to get my sets in. I had low energy at the beginning and it definitely affect my training and sets. But as the week progress I was able to pick it back up. I recently dropped my training schedule down to 3 days a week. And the training volume has increased because of that but it also allows me to rest and recover while lifting the heavier (28-34kg) bells more often. I trust Coach C-Duff in what he is doing. Its just tough and for this sport it counts. You have to be prepared for competition. The nationals is where we in the US have a chance to compete against someone in the same weight class lifting the same bell. So this week since I started only training 3 days a week with the be I do both lifts in my workout. Here are the sets from my Friday training session at Reebok with the NYC crew.

Ladder Jerk set 2 mins on/ 2 mins rest 5x. Changing weights from 24- 32kg. Goal here was to maintain competition pace for the 2 mins, Keep a good rack position (something I'm still working on), and get use to 32s towards the end of the set. Everything is still a work in progress but still coming along.
Next up snatch.

With snatch I've had good days and bad days....pretty much similar to everyone else. Recently my elbows have been bothering me. Probably coming from my drop and not adjusting my legs or back. So this set I worked more on deflecting from the bell and absorbing with my legs to save my grip endurance. So I'll be analyzing my technique and seeing where I can get better to last the full 10 minutes with the 28kg and 32kg bell. Another area I continue to work on is my level of flexibility. I recently did a few back bends and found out my upper back was supper tight which could explain why my rack isn't the best.
On to the next week of training...

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Training review and update 7/18/14

So far training has been a bit tougher than I though. Work load has gone up a bit since the summer has slowed the business down. So my training has been rough. Anytime you move up kettlebell weight consistency is the biggest factor. It takes longer to adjust to the weight and the volume so what you expect to achieve doesn't come in the time you were planning for.
Recently there has been some drama in the kettlebell sport world. Best thing for everyone that participates in the sport is to keep training and help the sport grow. It doesn't matter if you lift for fun, are really competitive, looking to compete on the international scale, bringing something different to your Personal training business, or just trying to learn something different. The drama does nothing but hold the sport and your personal growth back. There are many great lifters in the US that are getting better...My advice go follow them. They are living it along with everyone else trying to get better in this Russian dominating sport. Go with the people who will help it grow rather than one person trying to stop it. That's all :)
So back to training; I've been training maybe 3 times a week and running has stopped to maybe twice a week. Disgusting!!! I'm trying to progress with the 32s and its tough. 32kg bells can stop you right in your tracks if your not ready for them. So the last few weeks the goal has been to get my numbers up in snatch and jerk obviously. Most of my jerk sets I haven't been able to tape but snatch sets I have. Most of the work is developing time under the bell and building the rep number up. Sometimes sets are good and somedays they suck but gotta keep moving!! Here are a couple of my training sets. The more I train the more I can improve.


A little test this week with the 24s since I haven't been able to get the 32s in place. Still feeling good about progressing forward.

This week I don't have much time left till nationals so I have to pick the pace and get things moving. The 32s are no joke so I need to focus and get things in place. No missing training days. I dropped down my training so I can be consistent and continue to progress. If you have question about my training my coach is Chris Duffey. I've been working with him for over 3 years now. And he has helped me progress to where I am today in Kettlebell Sport. If you are looking for a Coach he is a great one!!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Starting the Road to USA Nationals 2014

47 days away till the best lifters in the USA will all come together in NYC and a team will be selected through competition to compete in the IUKL World Championships in Hamburg, Germany. Its that time again to get prepared and decide what bell to lift in my weight class. It's important to decide what it is that you want to do when going into a big competition. We don't have a large number of lifters in certain weight classes. So its best to decide what the game plan will be. For example, last year I decided to lift the 32s and there was only one other lifter in my weight class lifting the same bell. I knew that I wasn't going to win but my intention was to do my best and make improvements from my previous competition lifting the 32kg bells. I ended up coming in 2nd place to Marty Farrell but I had a good feeling about it. I figured out what the elite guys were putting up as numbers and what I needed to get to improve for the following year. This year I'm going in thinking about winning and making the USA National Team to be able to lift in Germany!
So this week Coach Duffey re-introduced me to the 32kg. We are seeing where I am at with the reds and if competing with them is a good or bad choice. I recently competed with the 28s and made CMS numbers. Usually before moving up you want to establish a good base with the prior bell. For example in February I lifted the 24s and posted really good results with them. So I was ready to lift the 28s. I did alright with them in April and much better with them in June. This is where we decided it was time to lift the 32s again. If anything I improve my numbers with both 32kg and 28kg bells. So training has changed a bit but the schedule has stayed the same. Monday and Thursday are Jerk days, Tuesday and Friday are Snatch. As I get closer to competition I'll have days I do both lifts. Duffey has put in some unique programs into my training; Pyramid intervals, Black Snatch (Snatch endurance work). I'm sure more things are to come. Here is a look at a couple of my training days this week. Goal for August is to be competitive with the 32s and make Master of Sport rank (125 points in 73kg)!!

Just a start on some new programming. Results will show in the consistency of the work put in.