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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Last week in review 1/23- 1/27

Last week I was able to get in 3 good days of training. I have switched my schedule around to make sure I get in at least 3 days a week training and slowly build up. I am still working at my job from early day to late at night so the day rest is much needed. My focus of the week was to increase my time and continue to build my jerk and snatch. Still throwing in some GPP into the workout. I feel like its all helping my push further in my workouts. Starting tomorrow I'll be 8 weeks away from my FIRST competition of 2012. I am hoping for good results there. So I am kicking my ass!!!

Kettlebell Jerk- 3min work/ 3min rest 3 sets
2x16kg 10rpm, 2x20kg 8rpm, 2x24kg 6rpm
Kettlebell Snatch- 3min/3min 2 sets
16kg 16rpm, 20kg 16rpm

Kettlebell Jerk- 2min work/ 1min rest 4 sets
2x24kg 20 reps,20 reps, 18 reps; 2x20kg 20 reps
GPP- BB Squats- 95lbs 10 reps, 135lbs 10 reps, 155lbs 10 reps, 175lbs 8 reps
Hack Squat- 135lbs 20 reps, 195lbs 20 reps, 245lbs 12 reps
Swings 24kg 50/50 reps
Glove Snatch 16kg 45/45 reps

Kettlebell Jerk-
OAJ- 16kg 12/12 reps, 20kg 12/12 reps, 24kg 12/12 reps, 2x24kg 10 reps
2x20kg 10 min 81 reps (haven't done a 10 minute set in a while!)
OAPP 32kg 12/12 reps, 12/12 reps

It was a good week of training. This week I will have to try a 10 min set with snatch.I have been practicing and it is getting better. I will be testing again. My body is responding well to the training so far. I will need to amp it up soon! I am still focused on my first comp. It feels like I'm starting all over again.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Consistency is the key when it comes to getting better at any sport. Especially kettlebell sport. With my work schedule which is a bit crazy I have been trying to find time or make time to get time working with the bell. Some workouts have been short and other long but whenever I can I get my work in. So for the last 10 days training has been consistent. It looks like this.

1/17/12 Snatch training
Work Sets
16kg 2min/ 2min 20 rpm
20kg 2min/ 2min 18rpm
Gloves Snatch 16kg 40/40

1/18/12 Jerk Training
Warm-up OAJ- 20kg 10/10 reps, 24kg 10/10 reps, 28kg 10/10 reps
Work Sets
2x20kg 3min 10rpm, 2x24kg 3min 8rpm, 2x28kg 2min 6rpm, 2x24kg 2min 8rpm, 2x24kg 3min 8rpm
(2-3min rest between sets)

1/19/12 Jerk and Snatch Training
Warm-up OAJ 16kg 10/10, 20kg 10/10, 24kg 10/10
Work Set 2x24kg 5mins (8, 7, 7, 6,7) 35reps
Snatch Work set- 16kg 20/20, 20kg 2min/2min 18rpm, 24kg 1:40/1:40 14rpm
Swings 32kg 30/30, 30/30
GPP- Face pull 45lbs 15,15,15; One arm Row- 60lbs 10/10, 10/10, 10/10

1/21/12 Jerk and Snatch
Warm-up OAJ 20kg, 10,10, 24kg 10,10, 28kg, 10/10
Work Set- 2x24kg 5mins (10, 9, 8,8,6) 41 reps
Snatch Work set- 20kg 20/20, 24kg 2:30min/2:30min 14rpm
Swing 28kg 30/30, 30/30

1/22/12 Active recovery
Run 4 miles 37 mins

Not bad but could be better. Snatch is starting to improve and Jerk is also improving. My reps are starting to go up and my pacing is getting better. I have until March 31 which is my first competition of the year. I'll be getting some of my sets and other exercises on video that I use during training.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

An OK start to the New Year. Working for better!!

So its been about 2 weeks into 2012 and i wish it were better. Training hasn't been where I wanted it to be but I think the wheels are about to get rolling. I recently got promoted at my job to Assistant Fitness Manager which allows me to handle more responsibilities and get a few more hours of work. Not to mention a few more dollars in my pocket. Happy about that!!! But now I have to schedule my workouts and my clients a little better. So that may be a bit of a challenge because of my long days (4am wake up- 10or 11pm sleep) UGH!! But none the less there are competitions coming up and I need to get ready for them. My training so far hasn't been too consistent. Here is what it looked like for the first couple of weeks.
1/1/12- Rest

1/2/12- a.m.- 20 min run/10 min bike
p.m.- Jerk Specific- warm-up 16kg- 10/10, 20kg 10/10
work sets 2x20kg 4mins 10rpm; 4mins rest; 2x24kg 4mins 7rpm, 2x24kg 3x1min/ 1min rest (15,13,12)
cool down- Jump rope 10mins

1/7/12- Rep base workout
Jerk- 2x16kg 20,20; 2x20kg 15,15,20
Snatch 16kg 30/30, 30/30; 20kg 20/20, 20/20
I felt sick to my stomach so this was more of just getting back to the bells.

1/9/12- Single arm work
OALC 28kg 6mins switch every min 10rpm
OAJ 24kg 6mins switch every min 14rpm
Snatch 24kg 4mins
GPP Exercises- Face pull 40lbs 3 sets 15 reps, Triceps extension 40lbs 3 sets 15 reps (super sets)
Swings 24kg 20/20, 28kg 20/20 2 sets

1/14/12 Interval workout (Jerk specific)
Warm-up 16kg 10/10reps, 20kg 10/10reps, 24kg 10/10 reps
2x24kg 1:15min/:45sec rest 5sets (16, 16, 15, 15, 10)
Single Leg box step up 2x16kg (on sides) 10/10, 2x16kg (rack) 8/8
Glove Snatch 16kg 40/40

1/15/12- Jerk Specific
Warm-up Jerk 20kg 10/10 reps, 2x20kg 10 reps
Work Set- 2x20kg 50 reps 5:40min
Sprints- 2x20kg 3x1min/:30sec rest (16,15,15)
Olympic Style Squats- 135lbs 10 reps; 185lbs 10 reps, 10 reps

Things I need to get stronger are legs with out a doubt and my right shoulder. As I get higher reps and longer into the set my right shoulder doesn't Lock in to fixate the bell at the top. I also need to get more Snatching workout sets in.